
#58 : Talk "White-labeling & A/B testing with interchangeable components"

Tuesday 30 october 2018 à 18:00

Retrouvez-nous pour discuter Javascript autour d'une présentation. Restez avec nous ensuite autour de l'apéro ! Ce soir, Younes nous présente en avant-première une conférence qu'il donnera quelques jours plus tard à AngularConnect. La description est en anglais, mais la présentation sera bel et bien en français 🇫🇷

On remercie chaudement nos amis du meetup Angular London pour le sponsoring de notre événement : ! Ils organisent bientôt la conférence AngularConnect, participez-y !

Talk : "White-labeling & A/B testing with interchangeable components" (environ 45 min)

Most Angular applications need to customize their display, features and behaviour depending on multiple and complex criteria serving different use cases like white-labeling, A/B testing or progressive deployment.

In this talk, I will show you how to architect your Angular apps by providing loosely coupled and interchangeable components that will allow you or even your applications’ end-users to customize the application experience dynamically by simple configuration (and without any switch/case).

Présenté par Younes Jaaidi 5 years ago and after 6 years of experience in web development and web security, Younes decided to create Wishtack. In addition to developing the Wishtack app, he animates trainings around France and Europe and helps Wishtack’s clients (including startups and big institutions like banks or research centres) through coaching. During his coachings & trainings, he uses his cross-dev-and-security skills to cover subjects like Angular, Node, Python, eXtreme Programming, ReST APIs, Architecture and Security...

In his free time, he animates Wishtack’s technical blog, creates and shares some open-source projects on GitHub, he participates in open-source projects and meetups and online talks like Angular Air.

On remercie la Tour du Web qui nous héberge gentiment pour cette édition. On remercie chaudement nos amis du meetup Angular London pour le sponsoring de notre événement : ! Ils organisent bientôt la conférence AngularConnect, participez-y !

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